Top 20 Search Engines
The Media Metrix, Netratings and have rated top 20 search engines that are worth verifying and resubmitting on regular basis. The most famous among these are Yahoo, Google, Delta Search, Infoseek, AOL Netfind, HotBot etc. Pointer Soft Technologies Pvt. Ltd., Noida will strive day in and day out to build your brand and drive mammoth of traffic of these search engines to your website.
Our professionals will leave no tables unturned to make your web site unique and carry more weight as compared to that of your competitors. Our comprehensive web site will make all the search engines attracted towards your site.
Based on popularity Top 20 Search Engines ratings performed by Media Metrix, NetRatings, and our experience has shown that the 20+ engines below are currently the only engine databases worth verifying and re-submitting on a regular basis. If you feel there are others, please let us know. We do not guarantee these engines are operational at time of submission, hence the need for recurring monthly evaluation and maintenance.
Top 20 Search Engines
Yahoo!, Google, AOLNetfind, Alta Vista, Infoseek, SearchMSN, Lycos, Excite, Webcrawler, HotBot, SNAP, What-U-Seek, ComFind, Direct Hit, National Directory, All The Web, Northern Light, Netscape, Ask